Care for Neck Pain
During your waking hours you should be very careful of bad habits you may have acquired over the years. Some things you did unconsciously witn no ill effect before, can now cause further damage to your already injured neck.

Do not sit in the front seat of an automobile with the seat fully extended, this will cause you to strain your neck when bending forward tol see.

Do not accelerate or brake quickly, this will whiplash your neck.

Do not ride in motorboats that jar your neck.

Do not slump in a chair when reading or watching TV

Do not look direclty overhead, this puts a tremendous strain on your neck

Do not lie on your stomach with your head propped up in your hands.

Do not reach or strain for something overhead. Keep your arms at shoulder level or below

Do not bend backwards to get your hair rinsed at the hairdressers, always bend forward.

Do not hold a telephone receiver to your rear with your shoulder.

Do not tilt your head too far upward when shaving.

Do not drink from bottles or cans as your head tilts too far backward, use a wide mouth glass.

Do not sit at a desk with your chin in your hands

Do not spend long hours with your head bent forward such as in reading, working at a desk. or swing. Try to keep your work at eye level.

Do not twist sideways suddenly, as when backing an automobile turn your head slowly.
We spend a third of our time in bed, that means a thinf of your recuperative time is spent in bed. Therefore, it makes good sense to approach that time with common sense planning and forethought

Do not sleep on your stomach, always on your back or side.

Do not read in bed, neither propped up on your elbows nor flat on your back.

Do not sleep on more than one pillow.

Do not sleep without pillow.

Do not sleep on a foam rubber pillow, choose instead a feather pillow, or a contour pillow available from your chiropractor.

Do not place your feather pillow under your shoulders, just your head and neck, primarily your neck.

Do not sleep with large curlers in your hair.

Do not turn over in bed by using your head as a pivot (pushing up or lie back of your head, then turning your body.)

Do not fall asleep in a sitting position. This causes your head to bob and whiplashes your neck.

Do not lie on a couch with your head on the armrest.

Do not place your hands under your head while lying down; this bends the head forward stretching the muscles and misaligning the vertebrae.
