Common Conditions Treated Opioid-Free at Newark's Vida Chiropractic

Thousands of people like you that seek resolution for various body pains wish to accomplish that without the use of opioid medications. The topic of the American opioid epidemic is driving an ever-increasing volume of Americans to seek opioid-alternative solutions for their pain management. Finding pain relief in most cases is as simple as heading to Dr. Pereira, Dr. Morales, and the caring team at Newark’s Vida Chiropractic.
Chiropractic care is fundamentally designed to assist you and your body to maintain proper structural balance. This allows the body the opportunity to heal naturally and maintain function. Chiropractic care is gaining ground in the medical profession as well. As we’ve covered previously, many physicians are referring their patients to their local chiropractor as a vital element of their overall pain management strategy.
Pain Medication Can Damage the Body
Pain medication can have adverse effects on the body. Until recently, many people did not realize how severe these effects can be. They can be so detrimental to the body that some doctors have even suggested that it is better to go without pain and fever-reducing medicine unless absolutely necessary. It has multiple side effects that can be harmful in the long term. Those side effects include:
- Liver damage
- Kidney damage
- Addictive behavior when used long term
Reduce Pain from Some Incurable Diseases
Although chiropractors focus most of their attention on the care of the neck and spine, there are other ailments that chiropractic care can help in pain management. Restoring function to the spine is pivotal in reducing pain. This allows your brain to send messages to the body with little interruption. While these medical problems may not be cured, the pain each can cause to the body can find some relief. Many people rely on powerful medicine to help, but research shows that the pain can be alleviated with the help of chiropractic care. Some of those medical issues include:
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
Pain Relief from Daily Issues
Pain relief is the most popular reasons that people seek out chiropractic care. However, visiting a chiropractor should not be limited to only when pain presents itself. There are a host of other reasons to utilize the healing hands behind chiropractic care. Such care is good for the body and all the systems that help your body to function. Some of the other reasons some people use chiropractic care to help with pain includes:
- Headaches (especially migraines)
- Asthma
- Sleep issues
- Colic in infants
- Prenatal care for the changing body
Opioid-free pain management starts with your call to Dr. Pereira, Dr. Morales, and the caring staff at Newark’s Vida Chiropractic. A call to Vida Chiropractic can (and will) positively change your life often times in a single treatment session. Call us anytime to learn more!